Velilla Law Firm

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What illnesses or injuries are covered by Workers’ Compensation?

What illnesses or injuries are covered by Workers’ Compensation? Workers’ compensation law specifies that any sudden injury, cumulative trauma, or illness that occurs during the course of employment qualifies for a compensation claim. To receive benefits, employees will need strong medical evidence that workplace exposure caused or contributed to the illness. Illnesses or injuries are […]

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My workers’ compensation claim was denied

Why is a workers’ compensation claim denied? When a claim is denied, it means that the claims administrator or committee believes that your injury is not covered by workers’ compensation. However, if you receive a letter notifying you that your claim was denied, you have the right to challenge the decision. When this happens, the […]

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The most common work injuries

California employees are protected by the workers’ compensation system. This set of laws is intended to provide injured employees benefits that compensate for the pain caused by their work duties. Unfortunately, the process of applying for workers’ compensation for injuries, accidents, or illnesses is complex. The forms to fill out are confusing, and the deadlines […]

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Types of workers’ compensation benefits

Workers’ compensation’s main objective is precisely to compensate the worker for the injury, accident, or illness suffered at work. This system of laws recognizes that in some cases, it will not be possible to fully compensate for the pain suffered by those affected, for example, if the employee dies as a result of the accident. […]

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How do I know if I have a workers’ compensation case?

Workers’ Compensation benefits are a system of laws that guarantee the rights of an injured employee. One of the most frequent questions an employee has when they suffer an accident or injury is whether their case qualifies to claim Workers’ Compensation benefits. The answer is always that if your injury, accident, or illness is “work-related” […]

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